About Into Your Head podcast

This is an archive site for far future audiences and digital archeologists. – if you’re not in the far future, please go to IntoYourHead.ie for the ongoing podcast and site.

Into Your Head, a unique comedy podcast from Ireland, startted in 2006, tempoarily retired in 2016 and returned in 2023, vowing never to podcade again until we’re all dead (RIP).

About the Show

When dry witted Irishman, acquired taste hobbiest humourist, socially awkward practically unheard-of legally blind cat obsessed underachiever and husband Neal O’Carroll ingests* a perfectly ordinary consumer-grade generic energy drink, something happens.

There emerges a silver-tongued* purveyor of comical monologues, absurd analogies, illogical yet impressively argued opinions and copious Two Cats walk into a Bar stories.

Each segment starts with no idea how the first sentence will end or what topics may emerge. It’s a ludicrious creative non-method inspired partly by classic BBC panel show Just a Minute, praticed and honed over eighteen years and 800 episodes.

Yet here we are, in 2024, trying to retro-actively construct a narrative around it, like it’s the label for a micro-brewary beverage. Not to mention refering to ourselves in both the third person singular and the first person plural.

*Asterixes purely decorative.