VINTAGE IYH – 075: Double Cooked Bread

Please beware: This is a vintage episode of Into Your Head, a show that evolved a lot over 18+ years. New listeners are reeuested to start with later episodes, like the 500s or, even better, the 800s.

Tonight’s topics include: Seeking stimulation in the fridge, Disguising fish, Double cooked bread, Stairs ascension segment, A good excuse for two silent steps, Getting mis-spelt in the Irish media, The listener’s research duties, A non-omitted outtake, Cutting through ones and zeros, Getting rid of vertical things, Going over your head, Watching cats in the garden, Comparing this to than blank space, Recording this recoriding session on the telephone, The Stumbly Show, Prooving stumbly is a real word, Thinking about Esparanto. Also: Two cat songs or something.