VINTAGE IYH – 067: Paradoxes and Cats’ Eggs

lease beware: This is a vintage episode of Into Your Head, a show that evolved a lot over 18+ years. New listeners are reeuested to start with later episodes, like the 500s or, even better, the 800s.

Tonight’s topics include: Frightening episodes, Severed feet and the natural landscape, Poultry carving politics, Oxygen free chickens, No explosion without fire, Surviving on a forest planet, Counting the foot carers, An embassy to a neighbour, Planning a fictional World War, Some truths about E.T. and Elliot, How to be an information resource, Alternatives to Dr. Suess, Kitten basket distribution, Rearing an undercooked egg, Obsessing over paradoxes, Improving Wikipedia live on the show. Also: Joanne with a brand new caffeine-inspired cat song.